Sunday, March 4, 2018

YCPO - March, 2018

(information provided by Mayo Clinic)

         It is estimated that 1,000-3,000 children in the United States suffer from SBS each year.*
        One fourth of victims of SBS die, and 80 percent of survivors suffer from permanent damage.*
        In the United States, the costs of hospitalization and continuing care for SBS victims can total 1.2 to 1.6 billion dollars each year.*
        Some estimate that up to half of infant deaths caused by child abuse are due to shaken baby syndrome.*
          Shaken Baby Syndrome and its resultant injuries can occur within seconds of a child be shaken violently.*

Shaken baby syndrome — also known as abusive head trauma, shaken impact syndrome, inflicted head injury or whiplash shake syndrome — is a serious brain injury resulting from forcefully shaking an infant or toddler.
Shaken baby syndrome destroys a child's brain cells and prevents his or her brain from getting enough oxygen. Shaken baby syndrome is a form of child abuse that can result in permanent brain damage or death.

Shaken baby syndrome is preventable. Help is available for parents who are at risk of harming a child. Parents also can educate other caregivers about the dangers of shaken baby syndrome.

Shaken baby syndrome symptoms and signs include:
        Extreme irritability
        Difficulty staying awake
        Breathing problems
        Poor eating
        Pale or bluish skin

Other injuries that may not be initially noticeable include bleeding in the brain and eye, damage to the spinal cord and neck and fractures of the ribs, skull and bones. Evidence of prior child abuse also is common.
In mild cases of shaken baby syndrome, a child may appear normal after being shaken, but over time he or she may develop health, learning or behavior problems.

When to see a doctor
Seek immediate help if you suspect your child has been injured by violent shaking.
Contact your child's doctor or take your child to the nearest emergency room. Getting medical care right away may save your child's life or prevent serious health problems.
Health care professionals are legally required to report all suspected cases of child abuse to state authorities.  

Babies have weak neck muscles and often struggle to support their heavy heads. If a baby is forcefully shaken, his or her fragile brain moves back and forth inside the skull. This causes bruising, swelling and bleeding.
Shaken baby syndrome usually occurs when a parent or caregiver severely shakes a baby or toddler due to frustration or anger — often because the child won't stop crying.

Shaken baby syndrome isn't usually caused by bouncing a child on your knee, minor falls or even rough play.

For parents and other caregivers, factors that may increase the risk of inflicting shaken baby syndrome include:
        Unrealistic expectations of babies
        Young or single parenthood
        Domestic violence
        Alcohol or substance abuse
        Unstable family situations
        A history of mistreatment as a child
Also, men are more likely to inflict shaken baby syndrome than are women.

Just a few seconds of shaking an infant can cause irreversible brain damage. Many children affected by shaken baby syndrome die.
Survivors of shaken baby syndrome may require lifelong medical care for conditions such as:
        Partial or total blindness
        Hearing loss
        Developmental delays, learning problems or behavior issues
        Mental retardation
        Seizure disorders
        Cerebral palsy 


      Educate the public by distributing this information at Health Fairs, Pediatrician’s Offices, OB/GYN Offices, Urgent Care Facilities, Day Care providers etc.

Below is a link to a Brochure from KPTI on Shaken Baby Syndrome which can be distributed to the public. Check with KPTI as they may be able to provide Clubs with copies of the brochure.


The Manchester New Hampshire  recently opened a Reading Corner in A Laundromat which is a YCPO Project geared to encourage reading to children under the age of 5 while  they are spending time at the laundromat  with an adult.
This is an excellent opportunity to develop a love of reading in young children while  using time productively and promoting quality family 
 interaction. Thank you to the Manchester,  New Hampshire Club!

The Caribou Maine Kiwanis Club received  $200 grant money from the Kiwanis Foundation of New England to establish a Reading Corner in a Laundromat. The Corner will be up and working  in a short time. 

There is still money available from KFNE  for a grant up to $200 to establish
a Reading Corner in A Laundromat. It is easy to apply at If you need more information or if I can help, please contact me. Early intervention is the key in  improving literacy for our children

Finally, please email me about YCPO projects your club is doing or has done so I can share these ideas with members in our District via this newsletter.  Thank you for all that you do for our children in your community and in the world.

Ava Adams, District Coordinator
Young Children Priority ne  (YCPO)
New England and Bermuda District of Kiwanis
Scarborough Maine Kiwanis Club

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